
No class on Nov. 25th Thursday

Have a wonderful Thanks Giving!
We are back on Nov. 29th Monday.


Best way to practice House

Many students have asked me " is there any youtube like to practice house? "
There used to be some instructional clips available, but I don't see them any more online.
The best way to learn is to go to the House club on weekends or whenever you can and dance to the house music. Also it will be helpful to listen to House music as much as you can. You will start to have an emotional connection to House music. Do not worry about the steps and how you look while you are dancing. Let's be free and have a good time.

Also I have Open House dance session on Tuesday night, so please come by if you want to practice some moves that you learned in a class. www.openhousefamily.com

Good House Music site


You can start from this.

House Party on Nov. 24th

I have been receiving questions from my students about where the good House clubs are.
This will be a good one to go!

Also you can check out to get House Club info.